Monday, September 24, 2007

Marius in the pool again.

It is late September and we are going into a more pleasant weather period.  It is colder at night now so the pool is getting colder also.  Marius loves his swim suit which keeps him afloat, and is getting quite the dare devil as he loves to jump into the pool.

Got to go, see you later, Dad.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Hot September

I will do this one in Norwegian for my Mom and Dad:

Det er fremdeles godt og varmt i September, i dag er det 40 grader.  Du maa holde deg i skyggen eller i badebassenget i dag.  AJ, Bjorn og Marius stortrives i badebassenget.  Bjorn hadde sin foerste fotballkamp idag med pappa som trener.  Vi hadde fire 12 minutters  omganger med mange vannpauser.  Vi tapte 1-3, vi maa si opp treneren, det var daarlig taktiske loesninger fra treneren.   

...and now in English:

It is still hot in September, it is 105 today.  You have to stay in the shade or in the pool today.  AJ, Bear and Marius love to play in the pool.  Bear had his first soccer game today with Dad as the coach.  We had 4 - 12 minute quarters with lots of waterbrakes.  We lost 3-1, we need to fire the coach, no great tactical solutions from the coach.
