Thursday, November 27, 2008

AJ is playing quarter back in back yard

AJ has a wicked arm.  Here is an example of AJ
passing the ball to Bear over Bear's friend Max.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Driving to work

A rare rainbow in Arizona this morning.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bear on the green

I am better than Dad at driving and everything in golf (only when my dad does really bad). At any other time he is a whole lot better than me.  It was  fun, but since Marius was there it made it a little tough at times.                                                                                  


Marius at the golf course

There might be a problem with this swing but Marius gets an "A" for effort.


Bear at the golf course

Bear got really good at driving the golf cart today.

Two golf proffesionals taking a break

Marius and Bear were golfing today.  This was taking after Marius had an eagle and Bear had a birdie.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Todays famous quote from Bear:

Dad: " You have a really good memory don't you Bear
Bear:  "I know except for when people tell me something"
