Friday, August 24, 2007

Bear and Marius are enjoying themselves in our pool. The best time to swim in Phoenix is at night. Marius loves to swim, and Bear enjoys his company. I just performed a back flip into the pool and landed violently, I am now sitting at the edge nursing my wounds. I was never good at this when I was twenty, and I am still not good at this at forty. Bear thought my backflip was very funny though.



Yeti said...

Bear & AJ,

I'm certain that you'll do better backflips than dad 1 year from now!!!

Anyway, you should also ask him about the time he went underwater swimming up at the Summit County in Colorado... :-))

Take of your Dad and play hard!


Molly said...

Wold Family,

We are so excited that you have joined blogging and we can keep in better touch. I can't believe how old the boys are getting...what darling kids! Love, Molly, Randy, Ike and Oliver

Unknown said...

You'll never learn, old man!!! Take good care of your dad, kids!!love your blog.