Sunday, August 26, 2007

Trampoline at Grandmas house

We went to Grandmas house today.  Marius and Bear enjoyed the trampoline.  It is 6pm and 103 degrees Fahrenheit (close to 35 degrees Celsius) and we are headed home to jump in the pool.
Hasta La Vista, Dad.                


The Back Row Pew said...

It is amazing how little boys can tolerate the heat. I have heard lots of Arizona stories about bare feet and ashalt and no airconditioning etc, (I don't believe any of them) The boys are so cute and we love reading about all the Wold tales...

Unknown said...

We also got our own pool here in Trondheim now..we just go out and stand in the rain!!!
Keep up the good work with your blogg Alf!!! Marianne and I love to read about the Wold family

Ali said...

Lori, My mom forwarded me your blog! I can't believe how these boys of grown up, so crazy! They are so cute and look like they have so much fun together! Hope you guys are doing well.

Macy said...

Lori and Alf,
Love the blog! Ryan likes to call it Wold World. Like Ali said , it is so good to see your kids, and how they have grown. We just got a trampoline ourselves, and my kids are loving it.