Saturday, August 18, 2007

Day one of the Wold's blog

I have now setup our blog!! I guess that now the expectation will be that I put pictures up and write stories about what is going on in our personal life. I figure this is a great way to communicate with my Norwegian friends and family also. Since my history is great as far as letters and updates to friends and family in Norway??!! I am now going to email pictures from my phone to my computer so that I can post them here.


Yeti said...

Congrats and welcome to the cyberworld of blogs. This is great news, and I really look forward to follow the news, updates and the mockering on this blog.


The Back Row Pew said...

So glad to have you in the blog world. We are working on ours...which will be the Back Row Pew....our children are strongly encouraging us to get going. So glad to keep up on your life.

The Back Row Pew said...

BTW...the Back Row Pew is Reed and Julie